Frontline Fury Grand Shooter [unlocked]

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Frontline Fury Grand Shooter [unlocked] - FPS game in a shooting range formatFrontline Fury Grand Shooter - first person shooter. The bomb has been planted, the hostages are captured. The terrorist organization requires a huge ransom and tons of weapons, threatening to crack down on anyone who wants to interfere with them. Only he can stop them - Agent Matt, a professional killer and an unsurpassed soldier. Put aside simulators, runners for android and arcades. Take in the hands of an automatic rifle and storm factories, headquarters and offices. In your hands, the lives of hundreds of people and the security of the entire country.CPU---Android OS4.4WOpen GL---Free Space 63.56 MBAndroid TVNoGamepad SupporDragon VS Tiger tNoInternetNoEnglish languageNoHow do we get this dataWhats newUpdate history-----